Order your Lulav and Esrog Now! - Jewishshoreline.org
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At Chabad of the Shoreline
Holiday Date
October 6 - 15, 2025

Order your Lulav and Esrog Now!

  • One of the special Sukkot mitzvot is the mitzvah of the "Four Kinds" - the lulav, etrog, myrtle and willow. When the blessings are recited over them, it is customary to wave them to all the four directions and also upward and downward.

    Every family should have access to a quality set over the entire holiday to be able to perform this unique mitzvah. 

    This beautiful mitzvah has many layers of symbolism. Among others it represents the internalizing of the blessings granted during the High Holidays, the joy of thanksgiving for receiving those blessings, unity and harmony within each person, between each person and their fellow, and between us and G-d.

    To learn more the symbolism visit us here and click here for more on the how-to lulav and esrog

  • Delivery, pick up or bind your own set with the Rabbi?

    Let us know how you would like to receive your set. Binding your own set with the rabbi will be on Sunday, October 13, 10:30 AM at Chabad.

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