Guilford Town Green, 79 Whitfield St, Guilford, CT 06437

Guilford is conveniently located between exists 57 and 59 on I-95. Traveling time from either New York City or Boston is about two hours. 

Interstate 95 (I-95) Northbound:

Exit 57 - turn right at the end of ramp. Follow Route 1 to Route 77 (Church Street). Turn right and proceed one block to the North side of the Town Green.

Exit 58 - turn right at end of ramp. Follow Route 77 (Church Street) straight to the North side of the Town Green.

Interstate 95 (I-95) Southbound:

Exit 57 - turn left at end of ramp. Follow Route 1 to Route 77 (Church Street). Turn right and proceed one block to the North side of Town Green.

Exit 58 - turn left at end of ramp. Follow Route 77 (Church Street) straight to the North side of Town Green.

Interstate 95 (I-95) North and Southbound:

Exit 59 - turn right at end of ramp and another right onto Route 1. Follow to Route 77 (Church Street) and turn left. Follow to North side of Town Green.

Exit 59 alternate - Northbound and Southbound turn right at end of ramp and cross Route 1 to the next intersection. Turn right onto Boston Street and follow to the South side of Town Green.