Chanukah: December 12th20th
Upcoming  Events
Please scroll down for more information 

Family Chanukah party!
5th Night Chanukah – Saturday night 7:00 PM

Chanukah Services & Breakfast 9-10:30 AM
The Kabbalah of Chanukah. 10:30-11:30 AM
5th Day of Chanukah -Sunday Dec. 17

Jewish  Kids Club- Chanukah Craft 
Sunday December 17 10:30 AM - 12 PM

Menorah Lighting on the Guilford Green
6th Night Chanukah – Sunday, Dec. 17, 4:30 PM

The Art of Biblical Interpretation- Symbolism of the Menorah
Monday Dec. 11 7:30 PM

Turn Friday Night into Shabbat-Community Dinner
 Friday Night, December 22, 6:00 PM

Chanukah Party at the Yaffes

Celebrate Chanukah with your family and friends at the Yaffes
5th Night Chanukah – Saturday, Dec. 16, 7 PM

  • Make your own doughnuts!
  • Hot latkes
  • Menorah Lighting
  • Chanukah craft for kids
  • Music
  • Friends
  • Smiles all around

 Pray, Eat, Love & Learn



9:00 AM Services
10:00 AM Breakfast

10:30 AM -11:30 AM The Kabbalah of Chanukah

Will you join us for Teffilin, services & breakfast on Sunday Morning?

Bring your tallit and teffilin if you own a pair. If you don't own pair we have extras.  If you need some help putting them on, please don't be shy, we will help you learn the ropes! 

After davening enjoy a breakfast with us.

Ivan's Minyan & Breakfast dedicated in memory of Ivan Sachs takes place 9:00-10:00 AM  every Sunday. 

10:30 AM -11:30 AM Kabbala-The Soul of Torah  

Study Class

You can come for the service & Teffilin, join us for breakfast, and inspire yourself with study, or just come for what works for you. You don't have to stay for everything! We look forward to seeing you!

Please let me know if you are coming. 203-645-4635 or 


Jewish  Kids Club- Chanukah Craft

Jewish Kids Club Does Chanukah!
Sunday at 10:30 AM - 12 PM
2710 Boston Post Rd, Guilford CT
Children will create their own menorah masterpiece that even lights up! This creative artwork will add to the beauty, light and joy of Chanukah for years to come. Yummy Chanukah snack included! Ages 3 and up. $10 per art project.
Don't miss upcoming Jewish Kids Club gatherings!
January 21
February 18
March 18
April 15
May 20
You can see and download a Google calendar of all Chabad of the Shoreline events on our website
Guilford Public Menorah Lighting

Spread the light of Chanukah and join the community of Guilford for a public menorah lighting! Music, refreshments, joy,  & light!

Guilford Green on the sixth night of Chanukah
Date: Sunday  December 17th 
Time: 4:30 PM

Please let us know if you are coming so we can make sure we have enough donuts!:) 203645-4635

The art of Biblical interpretation with the sages through the ages.

Ar e you ready to study?

Prophecies & and allusions to Chanukah in the Torah-- Monday Dec. 18

Just a is a prophecy from Daniel 7:6
After this, I saw, and behold another one, like a leopard, and it had four wings of a bird on its back, and the beast had four heads, and dominion was given it.

Rashi:  four wings… four heads: They are the four rulers to whom Alexander of Macedon allotted his kingdom at his death, as is written in the book of Joseph ben Gurion (Book 3, ch. 14), for this third beast is the kingdom of Antiochus, and it is called נָמֵר because it issued decrees upon Israel [which were] spotted (מְנֻמָּרוֹת) and varied one from the other.

Join us every Monday as we join the sages through the ages in the art of Biblical interpretation. These classes are open to all, so bring your friends along.

All classes take place on Mondays between 7:30-9:00 PM Contact us for location and to RSVP 203-645-4635


Please join us for services and Shabbat dinner  Friday night December  22

The spirited singing, delicious food and meaningful discussion is food for both body and soul.  Families, singles—all are welcome! No charge.   6:00 PM Services 7:00 PM Dinner

 Sponsor a Friday Night dinner in honor of a birthday, yartzeit, or special occasion! $360. For location and more information,
please email or call 203-645-4635