
Masters of the Word

  • Become a master of the word! Six series (6 weeks each) exploring how Jews decode the text of the Torah.

  • Each series analyzes the unique method and style of the commentators against the backdrop of their time and place. How did they approach the Oral Law and rabbinic tradition? What were their goals? What kinds of textual problems did they deal with? How did the era and its spirit affect the commentator, and how did he influence his times? We will explore their unique contributions and approaches through studying elements of the weekly torah portion with the exclusive commentary of an individual great scholar or work.

    No Charge. Students will be provided with the textbooks "Masters of the Word" by Yonatan Kolatch or they can purchase their own copy online.

  • Series 1 
    Six Wednesdays, 7:00- 8:30PM, January 8 - February 12

    Transmitters & Interpreters: The Sages of the Talmud & Midrash

    Series 2 
    Six Wednesdays, 7:00- 8:30PM, February 19 - March 26

    Translators & Guardians: The Targumim, Septuagint, Masoretics & Grammarians

    Series 3 
    Six Wednesdays, 7:00- 8:30PM, April 2 - May 7

    The Commentator : Rashi & His School

    Series 4 
    May 14 - June 18

    The Literalists: Rashbam, Ibn Ezra & Radak

    Series 5 
    Six Wednesdays, 7:00- 8:30PM, June 25 - July 30

    The Philosophers: Philo, Maimonides & Ralbag

    Series 6 
    Six Wednesdays, 7:00- 8:30PM, August 6 - September 10

    The Mystics: Zohar, Nachmanides & Rabbeinu Bachya

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