
Reading Esther on the Shoreline

  • Registration for "Reading Esther on the Shoreline".

  • Study the Book of Esther on Wednesdays with the classical interpretations and traditional textual analysis.

    On Sundays experience the book of Esther with the mystical &  chassidic insights. The story will never be the same.

    All fascinating, meaningful and relevant. No charge. 

    Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM. February 16, February 23, March 2, and March 8.

    Sundays, 10:30-11:30 February 20, February 27, March 6, and March 13.

    Sign up here to receive your zoom link and texts or just join us on facebook live

  • Torah study in person & Live Online! 
    Click here for videos of past classes on the Megillah
    Reading Esther on the  Shoreline
    Join the sages through the ages in the art of Biblical interpretation. 8 classes.

    You can join us in person at our home or via zoom!

    Study the Book of Esther on Wednesdays with the classical interpretations and traditional textual analysis.

    On Sundays experience the book of Esther with the mystical &  chassidic insights.

    Each class is a stand alone, if you miss one you can join in wherever we are up to.

    The story of Esther is the story of Jewish survival outside of the land of Israel, in the best of times and in the worst of times. We will uncover many messages for our own life.
    All fascinating, meaningful and relevant. 

    Four Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM.
    February 16, February 23, March 2, and March 8.

    Four Sundays  10:30-11:30 AM
    (After morning service 9:00-10:15AM)
    February 20, February 27, March 6, and March 13.

    No charge. Sign up here to RSVP and receive the texts beforehand or just join us via zoom or facebook live

     You can also join us in person at the Yaffe home,
     2710 Boston Post Rd.  Guilford

    For more information please email me at [email protected]

    Past Classes:

    Wednesday 2/16/2022 first class
    Class #1 on chapters 1-2

    Video Archive 2021
    Five Dimensions of the book of Esther:The Big Picture
    Rabbi Yossi Yaffe

    Explore the Book of Esther through the historical, midrashic, symbolic, mystical, and Chassidic lenses. Five classes, five different approaches.  *The Persian word for "orchard" is Pardes. The term, sometimes also rendered PaRDeS, is an acronym formed from the initials of the following four traditional approaches to Torah interpretation: • Peshat (פְּשָׁט‎) – "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning. • Remez (רֶמֶז‎) – "hints" or the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense. • Derash (דְּרַשׁ‎) – from Hebrew darash: "inquire" ("seek") – the comparative (midrashic) meaning, as given through similar occurrences. • Sod (סוֹד‎)  – "secret" ("mystery") or the esoteric/mystical meaning. The Chassidic approach is seen as the fifth dimension that reveals the unity in all of the above approaches and is an expression of the soul of the Torah.

    #1 Peshat- Language, Biblical context, history & archeology

    #2 Remez-allegory, allusion and prophecy

    #3 Drush-Midrash

    #4 Sod-The Mystical

    #5 The Chassidic Approach

    Chabad of the Shoreline
    203-645-4635 | [email protected]
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